Multiple chips with the common address lines are called a memory rank.
Most 8-bit general-purpose microprocessors have 16-bit address spaces and generate 16 address lines.
Its principal inputs are its address lines, which may each be set to 0 or 1.
I'm trying filters that distinguish letters with a small display of netiquette, like having my name somewhere besides the address line.
The 18 address lines allowed the addressing of a maximum of 256 kB.
The address bus effectively becomes a counter, allowing the operation of all address lines to be quickly verified.
Since the 80286 had more than 20 address lines, certain combinations of segment and offset could point into memory above the 0x0100000 (2) location.
Since the required address line now existed, the combination F800:8000 would no longer point to the physical address 0x0000000 but the correct address 0x00100000.
The flat package can be sent by mail thanks to its post-card address lines on the outside of the box.
A 64-bit architecture machine might still need to access byte-sized data over its 64-bit address line.