Addressing Africa's chronic economic weakness and political instability requires a searching examination by all of how things got this way.
These efforts include opening up the electoral process to encourage high voter turnout, addressing financial instability in American households, engaging a public dialogue on ethics and values related to democracy and the economy, developing a shared national vision of effective government, and promoting the sustainable consumption of our natural resources.
LONG-TERM COOPERATION - The men are to lay out a "strategic framework" for efforts to curb weapons proliferation and international terrorism and to address political instability in key regions.
The Morauta government brought in a series of electoral reforms in 2001, designed to address instability and corruption.
The objective of the Afghanistan Stabilization Initiative (ASI) was to address instability by fostering and strengthening conditions that build links between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) and local Afghan communities.
The Irish Poor Laws were a series of Acts of Parliament intended to address social instability due to widespread and persistent poverty in Ireland.
The London Conference will address instability.