But, indirectly, we were trying to address racial inequities from the past.
But affirmative action was never supposed to address broad economic inequities, just the ones that stem from specific kinds of discrimination.
They were addressing inequities in their own day, including the problems of daughters left with no inheritance.
In an effort to address inequities, Ecuadorean governments have carried out agrarian reform programs since the 1960's.
Born was among the first female attorneys to systematically address inequities regarding how the laws treated women.
The challenges involve comparisons within neighborhoods and do not address overall inequities.
But city officials said the Governor's plan did not go far enough to address inequities in school aid.
The revised budget system was just one aspect of it, intended to address inequities in financing and teaching quality between schools.
The plan seeks to control health care costs while addressing inequities in how much doctors are paid.
"The apparent white perception in our community is that enough has been done to address past and existing inequities heaped upon blacks," he said.