Industry sources said Taylor was probably hurt by his former drug problems, a subject he addresses in his coming book.
However, Bourdieu addressed the topic of gender head-on in his 2001 book Masculine Domination.
The debate addressed the validity of some of Hitchens' claims in his book God is Not Great.
Bill Hibbard also addresses issues of AI safety and morality in his book Super-Intelligent Machines.
It is a subject Godfrey Mwakikagile has also addressed in his book Nyerere and Africa: End of an Era.
He was strongly opposed to the Soviet Union's domination of Eastern Europe to which he addressed himself in his 1950 book Must Night Fall?
The two extra signatures were addressed by Fay in her 2002 book.
(They can also use a memoir as a dumping ground for past unpleasantries, paving the way for the campaign-trail line "I addressed that in my book.")
René addressed most of these issues in his self-published book, The Last Skeptic of Science (1995).
Clarke more directly addressed this issue in his book The Lost Worlds of 2001: