At various times, Dembo also addressed social ills of his times in his music, especially the suffering of the orphans and young children.
Mr. Chambers, 59, who has dedicated much of his charity to address social ills in Newark, said he would give his prize to scholarships for inner-city children.
It also addressed other ills as disparate as alcohol abuse and lack of dental care.
Or can the tax code be used as an effective instrument to address the nation's social and economic ills?
Thanks to this advocacy the American Library Association's official policy recognizes librarians' key role in addressing social ills.
It is programmed with routines to relieve fatigue or stress or to address ills like sore shoulders.
Zulu leaders, however, called virginity tests a revered tradition ideally suited to address modern ills.
In the lyrics, Mr. Callier addressed social ills on a personal scale.
As with other efforts to address entrenched ills, it is too soon to see results.
The Kenyan government does promote songs that address societal ills in its national music competitions.