Most plans address short- and long-term goals, target markets, trading hours and days, business setup needs, capital reinvestment, tax considerations, reporting and metrics.
In his speech to the Republican convention, Mr. Bush criticized the Clinton administration for failing to address any larger purpose or great goals.
Before people can begin addressing long-term goals and career alternatives, Ms. Scarangella said, their basic needs and the needs of their children must first be met.
Initially, they focused on cognitive goals, while addressing affective goals indirectly, in the belief that doing so would increase children's self-esteem and feelings of competency.
Vice President Al Gore today proposed a long list of tax breaks to address specific goals like making health care and education more affordable.
Standardized tests measure factual knowledge and certain kinds of thinking but do not address other goals of education -the development of artistic abilities, for example.
We should move towards UN summits that address specific goals, the prime example being Kyoto.
Our communication also addresses the overall structure and goals of transatlantic relations.
The school is reworking its programs to meet the needs of its changing population and to address local and national educational goals.
He addresses many misconceptions about the origins, motives, and goals of the movement that is both sympathetic and critical.