The address consists of a small rubber stamp or adhesive label in the bottom right hand corner of the cover.
Apart from the religious significance of the parish, most rural postal addresses consist of house and townland names.
His great address consists in appearing to favor whilst he defames me, and in giving to his perfidy an air of generosity.
With IPv4, each address consists of four numbers, called octets.
A virtual address consists of three parts.
A logical address consists of a 16-bit segment selector (supplying 13+1 address bits) and a 16-bit offset.
A virtual address here consists of a segment number and an offset within the segment.
These addresses consist of a four-digit code which the player enters into the computer on-board their speeder.
Each unique address consists of 4 integers between 0 and 255, usually separated by dots when written down, e.g.
An address consists of a user code, house code and unit code to uniquely identify a module.