Normally an amplitude factor (a) and a constant additive term for the background (b) are included.
The two fractional expressions are equal because equating them, cross-multiplying, and canceling like additive terms gives and hence , which is true by the premise.
A multiplicative factor in probability can be reinterpreted as an additive term in the logarithm - the energy.
Maxwell's correction to Ampère law is applied as an additive term to Ampere's law given above.
An additive term , which is constant for fixed inter-nuclear distance , has been omitted from the potential , since it merely shifts the eigenvalue.
The solution to this differential equation (omitting additive and multiplicative constant terms, which do not affect the behavior implied by the utility function) is:
As long as AES is secure, this small additive term is insignificant for any practical attack.
First, we found no evidence for the inclusion of an additive term in linear coordinates.
This is an arbitrary choice, but it does influence the complexity up to some constant additive term.
Estimates of such divergence for models that share the same additive term can in turn be used to choose between models.