Several areas in Illinois and Indiana, already flooded by the frontal boundary to the north, saw significant additional rainfall.
The depression later moved into New Mexico and dropped additional rainfall, interacting with an approaching cold front.
The final named storm of the season, Hazel, produced additional rainfall in Florida after previous flooding conditions.
The tropical rain belt causes additional rainfall during the monsoon season.
"The current trend in weather patterns shows a further dehydration of northern fertile zones, with additional rainfall in deserts."
Less than a month after Pauline, Hurricane Rick struck the same general region, which brought additional rainfall and hampered relief efforts.
Subsequently, the debris is removed by additional heavy rainfalls, leaving a new plunge-pool relatively free of debris.
After the stalled low was pulled inland, Kathleen combined with the low to produce additional rainfall over parts of California.
Some parts of Queensland were already suffering from flooding and additional rainfall was expected to worsen the situation.
Following catastrophic floods in December 2010 and January 2011, the depression brought additional rainfall to Sri Lanka.