The rich barbecue sauce - not too much of it - provided just the right amount of additional moisture.
Instead, apply moisturizer, primer, then a light liquid foundation for additional skin-plumping moisture.
Due to its low fat content, the meat can toughen at high temperatures if cooked without additional moisture.
Ice fog occurs when air is too cold to absorb additional moisture, such as that released by automobile engines or human breath.
You can rinse them because additional moisture will not matter.
They obtain all the additional moisture they need from water vapor in the surrounding air.
The cables were found to be free of additional moisture or corrosion in a 2007 inspection.
The Indonesian method requires no additional moisture, and in some dishes, the leaf wrappings may also be eaten.
Baking stones are used much like cookie sheets, but may absorb additional moisture for crispier food.
Add a few tablespoons of water for the stovetop method, to provide some additional moisture.