Why don't we raise the drinking age to 24 and save an additional 50 lives?
I want to know more about what's going on before risking any additional lives.
You are granted an additional life for every 50,000 points earned.
Collecting 100 time clocks allow players to receive an additional life.
Gorf was one of the first games to allow the player to buy additional lives before starting the game.
No additional life has been gained (and indeed, there may be added anxiety as the patient must live with knowledge of the disease for longer).
Play points can then be redeemed for party games, additional lives, and cut scenes.
Particular attention is paid to the time frame as, with each day's delay, thousands of additional lives were lost.
This had an additional 1,000 lives, selected from over 100,000 suggestions.
The player start the game with three lives, and receive an additional life every 50,000 and 150,000 points.