A threshold for the number of weighted filings per judgeship is the key factor in determining when an additional judgeship will be requested.
On September 14, 1922, an additional temporary judgeship was authorized for each district of Missouri, and on August 19, 1935, these temporary judgeships were made permanent.
Six additional judgeships were created between 1961 and 1990 to bring about the current total of eight judges.
Now the Connecticut lawmakers are encouraged that Congress will enact legislation for an additional judgeship.
Three additional judgeships were authorized and the sitting circuit judges were reassigned according to their residence.
A temporary additional judgeship was authorized on July 24, 1946, by 60 Stat.
The Oregon Legislature has debated adding additional judgeships in both 2011 and 2012.
Bean would then join Wolverton on the federal court in 1909 when Congress added an additional judgeship to the Oregon district.
The additional appellate judgeships also lessened the court congestion.
Former Chief Justice Ellen Ash Peters recommended a plan for the creation of 20 additional judgeships phased in over the next five years.