Investigators would later discover eleven additional instances of suspicious cocaine transfers.
In addition, the statute adds additional instances, not listed in the Offenses at Sea Act of 1536, which expanded the legal definition of piracy as a capital crime.
Since then, two additional instances of There have been created, both owned and administered by Makena Technologies.
But yesterday McKesson said that additional instances of improper revenue recognition had been discovered and that results for prior years at HBO might have to be restated.
Having later displayed additional instances of erratic and unusual behavior, their respective sisters decided to exclude them from their lives.
A Con Edison spokesman conceded that there might be additional instances of steam-pipe explosions in company records.
In some additional instances, patients received unnecessary treatments.
A. No, I have not recalled any such additional instances.
The new violations are said to involve additional instances in which Salomon submitted fictitious customer bids.
Could you look out for an additional instance?