These nominations have been moved here because consensus is impossible to determine without additional input from those who participated in the discussion.
This is known as a 'negative feedback' response, where additional inputs into the equation have a regulatory effect.
She also wrote the film's soundtrack, despite having very little additional input in the filming of the movie.
There is usually an additional input for a current to control the amplifier's transconductance.
Roseland has indicated it wants additional public input on the open space design - a welcome message.
It is my hope that additional input will force an alteration in this projection.
The thing it could not do was land the plane, not without additional inputs from the crew.
Those responsible for initial teacher training cannot hope to find time or personnel for the additional input which would be required.
Commands from the human operator allow the agent to be provided with additional input in its decision-making process.
A subsequent environmental review document is set to be released in the near future, seeking additional public input.