An additional increment of education or technical training is expected to reduce the period of transitional unemployment and increase the subsequent earnings of participants.
"Continue to experiment with additional 15-minute increments until you find the ... amount of sleep that is right for you."
The above table shows that the minimum 2P game time is 1:00 with the smallest additional increment being 0:30.
They will be available only in book-entry form through the Federal Reserve Bank System in minimum principal amounts of $1,000 and additional increments of $1,000.
They don't believe that it's a gimmick to reject having the wealthiest people in America pay some additional, small increment so that this bill could pass in the Senate months ago.
Others are not convinced that the additional increment in speed offered by a new microprocessor will really make their life easier.
The fixed-point integer operation requires two additions per output cycle, and in case of fractional part overflow, one additional increment and subtraction.
Over a two-year period, £16 million was allocated by the government for construction of schools in EPAs, while teachers in 572 primary schools "of exceptional difficulty" were selected for additional increments.
Nothing is wrong with drawing up such a table and marking a knight, queen or rook as deserving additional increments for being in a strong position, say in the center.
Indeed, with each additional increment of achievement and reputation, Lamaze seems to sink a little further into portly bourgeois respectability and to lose a little distinctness as a character.