Using Mauritius as a reference, an annual potential of 10,000 GWh of additional electricity could be produced throughout Africa.
It began operating in 1970, producing additional electricity for southern Greece.
Yes, they offered higher supplementary payments to generators in other markets in an effort to induce them to provide additional electricity for peak consumption periods.
The Ritter company owns a CHP power plant and buys additional electricity from renewable resources.
The exhaust gasses passed through a copper plate channel, generating additional electricity [up to 30 percent].
However, as a result of the rapid economic growth, additional electricity had to be imported from 1965 on.
The additional electricity required to power the vehicles would amount to only 50 billion kilowatt hours per year, requiring an additional 2 percent of our electricity production.
It will also be clad in 4,000 solar panels to generate additional electricity.
They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam.
New York would, in a worst-case scenario, buy additional electricity - most probably from New England - for a short while after Indian Point closes.