We waited for an evening with mist to give additional cover.
The smoke boiling from the wreckage should give them some additional cover.
The additional cover required is for a further £500,000 in respect of each and every claim or a further £2 million on an aggregate basis.
For £9.00 we are pleased to offer a top-up insurance comprising of the following additional cover.
However, if your business is at risk of causing contamination, pollution or environmental damage, you may need to take out additional cover.
The security teams also had the natural advantage of a defensive position as well as the darkness for additional cover.
National sustainability strategies provide the market with a variety of policies providing additional cover.
The bipartisan movement to kill the independent counsel law provides additional legal cover for this exit.
The new angle of fire gave them additional cover, Justman knew, since it put more displays and equipment between the two forces.
If someone is likely to be drinking on their holiday, it may be best to get additional cover.