In the following two years, additional connections were made to the railroad, and it continued operations for another 11 years.
The converter fee would drop, from $6.25 to $5, and each additional connection would cost $4.50 instead of $7.50.
But even the $4.50 for each additional connection may be too much.
As a result, additional connections with US 40 were planned for the area around present day Exit 14.
Route 155 was commissioned in 1933 or 1934 as an additional connection between Routes 9 and 17.
They have an additional connection through their fathers, who served in the army together during the Boer War, and were once best friends.
There was additional connection through wooden constructions from the courtyard.
You should be aware that there are additional connections.
Referring to God as Father of the listeners provides an additional connection between this passage and 6:25-34.
Having access to Geneva would have given the railroad a valuable additional connection to the south.