These odorizers work by the addition of small amounts of liquid odorant to the moving gas.
The sudden addition or removal of large amounts of load or generation in a power system leads to changes in frequency.
They also tend towards an alcoholic sherry-like flavor, sometimes enhanced by the addition of small amounts of alcohol as a natural preservative.
This is to ease the topping off, or the addition of small amounts of wine to each barrel to counteract evaporation.
This is one of the reasons why the addition of quite small amounts of the wrong impurity can ruin an alloy.
The addition of small amounts of fat makes a world of difference in taste and texture.
The changes in temperature appear to have been caused by the addition of massive amounts of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.
To enhance efficiency, the most common approaches have been the addition of small amounts of isopropyl alcohol and increase in temperature.
The Oxford study also evaluated the addition of low amounts of heparin to the aspirin given as a supplement to the clot-dissolving drug.
The damp conditions necessitated the addition of large amounts of sawdust to allow the players to keep their grip.