Researchers are finding the emotions that drive people to compulsive spending have much in common with those seen in people with other addictive habits.
Even as the 34-year decline in the proportion of adults who smoke continues, youngsters are taking up this addictive habit at an unprecedented rate.
Smokers really should take this opportunity to give up this addictive habit once and for all.
It becomes, he says, like a self-destructive addictive habit.
But what starts as an innocent hobby can easily become an addictive, savings-draining habit.
Practicing medicine from the partial information on the Web is as dangerous and addictive a habit for doctors as it is for anyone else.
It had just become a costly, and addictive, habit.
Staging the withdrawal from such an addictive habit is difficult.
Smoking In-Depth Smoking is an addictive habit linked to numerous health problems.
Cigarettes and smack are the only two truly addictive habits I've known.