The fresh air added new vigor to Harry Vincent.
President Reagan announced a plan today to "add new vigor and a more comprehensive approach" to the Government's anti-drug efforts.
C. macrophylla is also sometimes used as a rootstock in Florida to add vigor.
This understanding is meant to help refine a person, as well as adding depth and vigor to one's ritual observation.
Drums and long pipes form the musical instruments that add vigor to the dance.
Even the settings for the interviews are revealing, and the musical score adds vigor.
With the reinforcements adding fresh vigor to the search, Billy was soon found on the shattered remnants of his bed.
Black has been drawing its share of attention uptown, too, adding vigor to business suits with their new, shorter hemlines.
A faint baroque flavor adds vigor to his landscapes, still lifes, and figure paintings.
Low rates of owner occupancy in some co-op buildings add vigor to a relatively quiet rental market.