Japan Alters Nuclear Plans Bowing to international pressure, Japan is said to have decided to put off several nuclear projects that would add tremendously to the world oversupply of plutonium.
American officials have made little secret of their concern that Japan's program would add tremendously to the glut of plutonium created by the dismantling of nuclear weapons in the former Soviet republics.
The one good thing about them being here is that they add tremendously to the general confusion.
I don't think that the Cadwalader name added tremendously to the price.
They're good students and can add tremendously.
Notably, Yerkes also made extensive observations of chimpanzees in the wild which added tremendously to the scientific understanding of chimpanzees and their behavior.
He said he believed the product would add tremendously to Sun's sales and that the cost of manufacturing was sufficiently low to allow good profits, despite the aggressive discounting.
I think the black and white adds tremendously to the movie.
The review said that the ability to earn gold and upgrade equipment which are laid out in the status screen tremendously adds to the replay value.
His energy and overall enthusiasm for the sport will add tremendously to our gym.