Western philosophy and religion adds to the view that happiness is a consequence of goal striving and attainment.
Something new had been added to the fabulous view: flower beds had been planted all around the glass veranda.
I hear Little Jimmy Scott, the jazz vocalist, singing those words with a depth that adds to the view.
The founders also added a nod to the view that managing for the long term may not be the best course.
The steep slopes add foreground to the view, which includes a fine prospect of the Scafells.
Later indications added support to the view that the attack was coordinated and planned in advance, with any protests merely incidental or diversionary.
"The new windows softened the building's surface and add another dimension to the view from inside the rooms," he said.
Three new concerns were added to the historiographical view: the social, political and national issue:
The recent string of cases have added credibility to the view that such abuses had become institutionalized.
Two other statistics yesterday added a little weight to the view that inflation would remain mild.