This will add a real feeling of 'audio depth' to the recording.
Four decades later, the singer's daughter, Natalie, added her voice to the original recording, creating a duet with her father, who died in 1965.
Producer Clifford Davis added the contribution of 87 musicians to the final recording, and later described the album as "so bad".
Originally the band felt the song to be too soft and so clapping was added to the recording.
A CD adds virtually no noise to the original recording whereas a record does.
His brothers' vocals and additional instrumentation were then added to the recording.
Many sound effects were creatively added to the recording to give it an authentic nightclub feel.
The limited accuracy results in quantization error, a form of noise that is added to the recording.
Horn overdubs were later added to the recording.
Both add an incredible warmth to the recording on the pieces they are featured on".