The development is more than 81 percent leased, and negotiations are under way to add a 22,612-square-foot bookstore, a 2,400-square-foot electronics store and other shops.
It has upgraded concourses and doubled retail space to add shops.
In early 2009, Sutherland Council approved plans to upgrade the complex, which will include demolition of the office tower and adding additional shops.
In addition to adding shops and cafes directly inside, he erected a new sculpture garden that draws visitors who have never entered the rest of the museum.
The second floor of the atrium was expanded across the entire mall adding new restaurants and shops.
It added Chinese language support and extra shops with new equipment throughout the quest.
Since those early days, the Steins have added other local restaurants, shops and a takeaway to their Padstow venture.
The various stages of development of a functional park were planned out with each season adding new attractions, shops, stores and shows.
In 1991 the mall was renovated adding a food court and additional shops, as well as the redecorating of the entire mall.
It was built in 2004, and continues to add shops.