Adding sales tax, often 2 percent to 9 percent of the price of the product, to the total would just drive prices too high, these consumers said.
By adding sales to consumers, sales doubled in 1973 to $24 million from $12 million the year before, when the company went public.
The Sunday red-tops may have added sales, but they filled a vacuum with a vacuum.
She pointed out that adding sales from stores outside London 'could be a killer', since the provinces were so much slower to react to new trends.
Avon's new "800" number, which allows customers to bypass the Avon Lady to buy direct, has added incremental sales.
One compensation has been the rise of its 20p kid sister, i, which has added sales month after month.
Adding single-copy sales, the paper's total circulation is 437,000 copies.
"Now people see how the Internet adds incremental sales."
That double counting added sales of $1.19 billion and profits of $76.8 million.
The Treasury will add sales of 5-year and 10-year securities beginning in August to help finance a swelling budget deficit.