He paused to add further remarks.
The steel guitar also adds remarks.
A separate comment box on the version manager window allows workers to add remarks on why they made changes or created scenarios.
He added other remarks but they were beyond my knowledge.
Noting it, Lamont Cranston hastened to add further remarks.
In a low, impressive tone, he added remarks to support his theory concerning The Shadow.
Soldiers from both sides pop up to add remarks on the godawful weather at Vicksburg, their longing for home and similar enlistee gripes.
After that, Cardona, you will be free to add further remarks of your own.
In 1993 she was discovered to have embellished a letter about fraudulent charities by adding condemnatory remarks of her own.
Only a few neighborhood youths have added unauthorized tags and irreverent remarks over the years, though one artist's work has been completely crossed out.