In addition, the county wants to add eastbound ramps at the existing Virginia Drive interchange.
There are contingency plans to add ramps to both residental buildings, and an elevator can be installed at the rear of the main building.
Reduce heat to medium, and add ramps to pan.
Add garlic or ramps and brown lightly, about 2 minutes.
Five years ago, workers at First Presbyterian modified bathrooms for wheelchair accessibility, and added portable ramps to the common room.
If anyone in your family has limited mobility, add ramps and good access to your list.
Add ramps and a pinch of salt and pepper and sauté until bulbs are golden, 1 to 2 minutes.
The project entails adding new lanes, ramps and connectors along a 10-mile section of the Interstate to improve traffic flow.
It would also add ramps from the Deegan and the 145th Street Bridge to improve traffic flow to the new garages.
The wooden ramp make the park more flexible when it comes to adding ramps and other features, but also makes it prone to weather damage.