In attracting advertising, it was adding next to nothing to the FM station, but was costing money to maintain.
Pelham bits add a ring for a snaffle rein, next to the mouthpiece.
Indeed, it adds next to nothing to the caption.
There are currently (2007) plans to add the country's largest indoor snow resort next to it.
The company Holcim is going to add another quarry, next to the Abbey, destroying the 500 "casotte" traditional construction.
In 1974, the city government added another marker next to this one.
Ars should add a tree next to the moon shark.
In case I didn't understand the significance of that location, he added, "Right next to Macy's!"
"He's definitely the best center in the East," Ewing said of Mourning, before pausing for dramatic effect and adding, "next to me."
For example, it is reasonable to suggest and legislate to "add traffic lights next to schools so that children are safer from cars."