You could add extra vitamins and minerals but how much should you give?
There are also companies that add vitamins, minerals, and other required necessities during processing to make up for those lost during preparation.
They are also able to add vitamins and minerals in the form of premixes, to match the requirements for growth, or work etc.
Resorts may also add minerals or essential oils to naturally-occurring hot springs.
Likewise, he said, others have followed his father in adding vitamins, proteins and minerals.
This practice of adding minerals to herbal medicine is known as rasa shastra.
Nutrition Coatings also can be used to add vitamins and minerals (enriched white rice) or food energy.
Manufacturers also save because they do not have to add vitamins and minerals to replace those lost in processing.
The water thus needs to receive post-treatment to add minerals before it is being distributed.
To increase a food or drink's nutritional value by adding vitamins, minerals, or other substances.