He seemed to add a note of caution by saying that "The whole world will now watch with suspense how he fulfills his promises".
Bravo 3 adds by saying his helmet has basic cable television access.
The lie felt awkward, and she added to her discomfort by saying that Gran had asked her to do some additional chores around the house.
He added fuel to the theory last night by saying: 'We have the talent here but we don't have the consistency.
He then added to the burden of blacks and women by saying they must itemize the bias in each challenged employment practice.
Can we add an extra layer by saying one of them is dressed in an SS uniform?
"I beg you will add to your kindness by saying a few Masses for his soul," he said.
But he managed to add to the confusion by saying, "I'm the coach, not the general manager."
But she didn't want to add to his embarrassment by saying as much to T'Pel.
An analyst added to the damage by saying that smokers would continue to desert the company's Marlboro cigarettes for cheaper brands.