Maybe in later years, she said, Lauren will add funky accessories; for now she is sticking to the classics.
Excellent value, this beautiful cornflower blue dress looks great on its own - but for even greater impact try adding equally bright accessories.
That makes it easier to update and add accessories each season.
Mr. Cicio would like to add more men's apparel, accessories and private labels.
You can customize it by adding accessories that improve accuracy, appearance, and rate of fire.
In the early 80's, Pressman's sons decided to add upscale womens clothes and accessories.
You can add accessories, like a high-power flash, but you can't change the lens.
Women can add accessories depending on what they feel like that day; many men make one choice and stick with it for the rest of their lives.
After buying out Weisen in 1928, he added men's and children's furnishings and accessories.
Will I want to add accessories either now or in the future?