The N-terminal region of cullins is more variable, and is used to interact with specific adaptor proteins.
GEFs are often recruited by adaptor proteins in response to upstream signals.
AP (adaptor protein) complexes are found in coated vesicles and clathrin-coated pits.
A good article regarding the role of adaptor proteins involved with the T-cell antigen receptor:
Two examples of adaptor proteins are AP180 and epsin.
These adaptor proteins then couple to enzymes to amplify different cellular signals.
Enzymes and adaptor proteins are both responsive to various second messenger molecules.
This is an adaptor protein which helps the formation of a clathrin coat around a vesicle.
Cdc25, when phosphorylated on serine 216 by chk1 becomes bound by an adaptor protein in the cytoplasm.
The activation of initiator caspases requires binding to specific oligomeric adaptor protein.