An animated adaptation ran in Nippon Television from 6 January 2004 to 30 March 2004.
The adaptation ran from 15 December 1958 to 28 March 1959.
The original adaptation ran from 10 August 1959 to 30 January 1960.
The adaptation ran from 3 October 1960 to 1 April 1961.
The adaptation ran from 18 December 1967 to 3 October 1968.
Another adaptation of the novel, a film series, ran 9 seasons beginning in 1962.
The adaptation - made with Maxwell Anderson - was still running on Broadway when Weill died in 1950.
In Spring 2008, a new musical adaptation of Gone With The Wind ran for only two month.
An original Japanese adaptation of Kids Incorporated, titled StarS, ran from 1999 to 2001.
The adaptation ran from 10 January to 10 September 1966.