An adaptation of the series premiered on the channel Cuatro in Spain on January 23, 2013.
The oldest known animated adaptation Urashima Tarō of the tale premiered in 1918.
An American adaptation of the show premiered on 5 March 2010 on NBC.
In October of the same year, a live-action adaptation premiered on TV Asahi.
In the end of August, a Portuguese adaptation of the show premiered on SIC.
An animated adaptation by Melnitsa Animation Studio premiered on December 12, 2008 in Moscow.
A Russian musical adaptation of the novel, Perfumer, premiered on 5 December 2010 in Moscow.
A French adaptation premiered at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées on December 11, 1968.
Martin Sherman's adaptation for theatre company Shared Experience premiered in Richmond in 2002.
The musical adaptation, with a score by Arnold Black, premiered in 1995.