On May 1, 1828, a second adaptation of the novel was performed in the Park Theater, New York.
Subsequently, these early American adaptations were performed another four times before 1862, the evidence is clear which was performed at each performance.
Shadwell's adaptation of the play was first performed with music by Louis Grabu in 1678.
The adaptation was performed by students from Muhlenberg College.
A wonderful adaptation of Cinderella, written and directed by a sixth former, was performed in the Autumn term's charity week.
This adaptation is currently being performed at the disused Waterloo International railway station.
An adaptation of these for the stage was performed in the 1980s.
Consequently, the fact that Cibber's adaptation was performed on stages up to the later half of the nineteenth century underlines this.
These adaptations were performed for long time after his death.
His plays, adaptations and cabarets have been performed in Australia and overseas.