"They seem to be particularly adaptable animals," said Rick.
Millie was like an animal, adaptable, accepting the cruelty of life as her natural due.
"People have tried commercial remedies and home remedies, but the deer is a very adaptable animal."
Smaller than grizzlies, these opportunistic, adaptable animals can survive in very small home ranges.
These are hardy, adaptable animals that thrive in any climate while maintaining good health and excellent production.
When, about three million years ago, the weather changed, the ape-man had become the world's most adaptable animal.
It is a very adaptable animal and can cope with changes in its habitat.
These are highly adaptable animals and can eat almost any plant.
Nelson saw these unfolding worldviews the way his teacher had shown them to him, as a series of steps taken by a strange, adaptable animal.
Tour operators have proved themselves to be adaptable animals.