"Open" platforms are defined by the promoting the same piece of branded content across multiple platforms within native ad formats.
Video advertising - which can be within an ad format and streamed to create a richer user experience.
In 2012, eMarketer projected that video would be the fastest-growing online ad format in 2012, with spending up nearly 55 percent over 2011.
It also moved to embrace the industry's standard ad formats.
Pop-up and pop-under ads, he said, attract more people than any other ad format.
Major ad formats are supported including static images, HTML5 and rich media.
Hachette Filipacchi is of course not the only publisher to raise eyebrows with unexpected ad formats.
Choose from a variety of high-value ad formats including Ultramercial," whatever that is.
But with some of these new ad formats, he said, "There's a level of intrusiveness that advertisers and publishers are going to have to manage."
Videos are the ad format with the most revenue per view.