The door closed and Shasa suffered an acute pang of disappointment .
The three of them gave Covenant an acute pang of unpreparedness.
His statements were so politely noncommittal, and he avoided Darzek's questions so awkwardly, that Darzek had the feeling he was suffering acute pangs of conscience for his meager confidences of their first conversation.
But if he was relatively comfortable in his retreat, he was not content, for he was suffering acute pangs of hunger.
He still felt acute pangs of loneliness, even though his beloved wife had died just over two years ago now.
A career Air Force pilot with almost three hundred hours of flight time, he was suffering acute pangs of doubt, and doubt was one of a pilot's worst enemies.
"Never mind, I don't want it; I 'd rather have less, and know you earned it all yourself," cried Polly, as Tom struck his hand on his knee with an acute pang of regret at the power he had lost.
In that event, no doubt, I would have felt the acute pangs of failure and soon would have dismissed them, as I do now.
Under her husband's expressionless stare, and remembering her mother's empty room across the landing, she felt an acute pang of loneliness.
Var felt an acute pang.