She returned his smile, all the while feeling the most acute loneliness.
Miranda experienced an air of acute loneliness the moment she closed the door after Sabat.
While she was smoking, Francesca recalled the acute loneliness of that young girl stealing down the slopes of old Orvieto.
Rebecca fancied that she saw in him a resemblance to her own father, and to Amber, which made her loneliness more acute.
Though still a work-in-progress at the time of my visit, Eugenia Vargas's large installation was already conveying a sense of acute loneliness.
The particularly acute loneliness you can feel only on Saturday night is the Fun Imperative unrequited.
That night in her hotel room, Leah felt a loneliness only slightly less acute than when she had first been left behind.
Because it would be divisive - and therefore counterproductive to her husband's work - to make close friends locally, a rural clergyman's wife can suffer acute loneliness.
Only Ryan is awake because it is better for one man to suffer acute loneliness and isolation than for several to live in tension.
My acute loneliness was driving me.