When Belisarius turned his brown eyes back upon his cataphracts, they were filled with acute intelligence.
Father Castellani's style is forceful, lively and of an acute intelligence.
His eyes were peaceful, empty, glowing with acute intelligence.
He was a man of acute intelligence and profound political knowledge, and possibly had a personal connection to the British royal family as well.
To say more is unnecessary, to any one who has the acute intelligence of my friend Hastings.
In the florid face and features, there was no indication of the acute intelligence required to evolve his tricks.
But there was a sharp, ironic glint behind their surface, full of an intelligence too acute to be purely kind.
One day she met a young warrior of noble sentiments and acute intelligence named Tépetl.
That is why we have, as a species, developed such acute intelligence.
The actors' physical vigor is matched by acute intelligence.