In a modern acupuncture session, an initial consultation is followed by taking the pulse on both arms, and an inspection of the tongue.
Another acupuncture session was planned before Saturday's third round, and he was optimistic that his back would hold up.
I recommend it to anyone who needs an anti-depressive, an acupuncture session or any such other form of deep relaxation.
In theory, a thermogram done after the acupuncture session should show a symmetrical configuration.
A single acupuncture session, for example, might range from $40 to $75.
One witness yesterday, Ronald, 34 years old, described his acupuncture sessions.
Half of the women received three acupuncture sessions, while the other half did not.
Our short-term measurement point was three weeks after the end of the acupuncture session.
He is willing to "try anything" to help his shoulder, including a recent acupuncture session.
He had an acupuncture session two hours before tip-off.