The data are similar - the ship's sensors actually utilize radiation, which they translate into taste.
But apparently only they can actually utilize it "We don't have to utilize it," said Gleau.
Actually utilise our space not necessarily for the public which obviously is difficult to get to the disabled people etc but using it for something like that.
I wager less than half the owners actually utilize their set-top capabilities.
I haven't actually utilized the thing yet.
Instead it is an approach that leverages the strengths of various tactics and actually utilizes both traditional as well as social media.
"But I don't know any shop that actually utilizes them."
The main concern for farmers is simply the unnecessary expense of applying soil amendments beyond what the crop can actually utilise.
It is still very far from certain whether the south will be allowed the freedom to actually utilise the right to secession that has been agreed for 2011.
They give it back, store it, only a third of the time do they actually utilize it.