He argued that, while the one-in-a-million standard for cancer fatalities might sound high, it actually understated the risk.
While those contributions put the industry among the largest donors, the totals actually understate its influence in Washington.
The data, which compared homes bought by blacks and whites in the 1980's, may actually understate the disparity by not including property taxes for longtime homeowners.
Indeed, she added, the 16 of 17 goals of the original misstatement actually understate the feat.
What's more, these figures actually understate the total wetlands preserved through voluntary efforts.
These numbers may actually understate the minority population.
That number actually understates the complexity of the investment.
In this, though there was no way I could have known it at the time, I was actually understating the clock's fantastic properties.
The $36 million figure actually understates the cost of the package.
Sobering though these numbers are, they actually understate the problem.