"If the institutions and the faculty don't reaffirm those commitments," he added, "the forces will actually tear places apart."
He did so with such force and fury that he actually tore it from Burgoyne's grasp.
It was softer than it looked and actually tore under my ministrations.
The process of making those molds tended to destroy fine lines and actually tore small portions of the stone out.
Only the thought of the self-incriminatory letter that conscience would eventually require stopped me actually tearing the cup-holder off and throwing it into a wheelie-bin.
As the plastic melted, some of the heads were actually tearing loose from the wiring.
Before very long, they were actually tearing a statue of Palpatine down.
If tension is extreme, the ligaments may actually tear.
In some cases the bones may interrupt the blood supply by actually tearing the vessel.
She wrenched her arm away from him, feeling as if he would actually tear it out of the socket.