The app lets you keep an eye on and interact with iTunes without having to actually switch back to the application.
A. Yes, and I've had women who had been on estrogen replacement who actually switched from taking those hormones to the more natural approach.
Convinced by my own logic, I actually switched my own membership to Blockbuster.
I actually switched a week ago.
The only way for device makers to fight back was to have a truly compelling phone that users would actually switch carriers to use.
The number of actual swing voters - people who actually switch back and forth between parties - is down to about 7 percent of the electorate.
He switched to single play and actually had a good time.
Humans actually switch attention rapidly rather than truly multitasking, and tend to lose whatever is in our working memory when doing so.
He was joking - they were actually switching accounts for reasons of convenience - though, in fact, the band is not doing badly at all.
'What's to prevent them from making a show of walking in and out of the National Archives, but not actually switching the documents?'