In a triumph of urban design, the plaza actually surpasses the quality of the buildings.
Approximately 700 students attend Altha School, a number that actually surpasses the town population of 507.
But new companies have also emerged, and in 1990, the gains actually surpassed the losses, a trend that has continued.
Monday's attendance actually surpassed the 50 percent plus one needed to pass laws.
At one point, Pepsi actually surpassed Coke in grocery sales.
It is uncertain if Dias actually surpassed the cape.
The business continued to produce pottery for over thirty years and its reputation was widespread, although it never actually surpassed its rival in production.
This can result in the second or third-movers actually surpassing the leaders because they are out-thinking their competition.
Let us hope that the second half of the decade that began in 1997 will actually surpass the first.
We need illusions; they don't always get shattered, and reality sometimes actually surpasses them.