The game that would eventually become Minecraft actually stemmed from a combination of two rather seemingly disparate influences.
Indeed, thousands of dollars are often wrongly spent on reroofing a house when the leaks actually stem from damage to the chimney or flashing.
This actually stemmed from the way Posadas "wrote" his documents.
They actually stem from overproduction of the pigment melanin in areas of the skin that have experienced the most exposure to the sun.
"If this manifestation should actually stem from God, we must recognize and answer the call," the Reverend Mother said.
Everything I said actually stems from the notion of equality and freedom.
For example he implies that common terms such as witch, familiar, and magic actually stem from alien words.
Baghdad's food problems actually stem from two sets of forces.
Often, asthma patients believe that their headaches are sinus-related, Cady says, when in fact, the pain actually stems from migraines.
But the Punchlike characterization in this production actually stems from an idea for a film, never realized, by Roberto Rossellini.