Five of the American League pitchers actually rank in the top six in each category.
Lazzeri actually ranked third in the league in home runs in 1927 with 18, and he hit .309 with 102 RBIs.
The State ranks 15th in a list of 142 nations worldwide and actually ranks higher than several developed nations.
Many fans actually rank him higher than Henrik Larsson, and in Helsingborg, Santos is nicknamed "God".
Guerra actually ranked Chavez, but this was a situation where expertise counted for more than seniority.
Not even how high he actually ranked within the Silence.
Prima Bowie, the one Waltraude felt she knew best, actually ranked second in the hierarchy; the Ranger Captain's first wife outranked her.
While Rice's defense is often singled out as the reason for his departure, he actually ranks 145th among all-time NBA players in career steals (958).
"Texas actually ranks 49th of 50 states in providing health insurance for kids," Mr. Lieberman, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, said at a forum here.
Publishing a book in his teens actually ranks as one of his more modest accomplishments.