She hasn't actually pushed me in the face because she's got too kind a heart.
He had actually pushed her to one side and forced his way up the stairs.
We actually push one another to get better, and that's what's so fun about the first half of the season.
"You mean they've actually pushed asteroids together to make one big rock?"
He actually pushed him and applied a technique, that in his mind, was legal this year.
She actually pushed me away at one point when I was going in for a big one.
Moreover, other changes under consideration could actually push the top rate for the wealthy above 33 percent.
Managing, somehow, to clear a way through the crowd without actually pushing anyone aside.
Struggling to find their tables, they moved past each other without actually pushing anyone or knocking anything down.
The Democrats' calendar would actually push the nominating process even further toward the beginning of 2004.